Thursday 9 January 2014

Monthly Assignment January 2014

Please attempt the following questions and submit the answers by 31st January 2014.

  1. “During the Eleventh Plan period, India slipped from 127th rank to 134 rank in the HDI rankings despite the ‘inclusive growth’ strategy adopted during the period. ” Critically comment. (250 Words)
  2. “The Monterrey Consensus of the International Conference on Financing for Development  places the mobilization of domestic financial resources for development at the centre of the pursuit of economic growth, poverty eradication and sustainable development.”  Examine the role of banks in resource mobilization in India.  (250 Words)
  3. “ The talk of financial inclusion and inclusive growth is meaningless in the absence of a mass movement for economic democracy.” Critically comment. (200 Words)
  4. “Crops in their centres of origin and diversity often have a deep cultural significance that can easily get lost when utilitarian issues dominate the discourse”. Examine the statement in the backdrop of the controversy over allowing  field trials of Bt transgenics in certain food crops in India." (250 words)
  5. Write a note on National Mission on Micro Irrigation (150 Words)
  6. “The APMC Act, designed to protect farmers from the vagaries of the market, has been turned on its head to enrich traders and harm farmers.” Critically comment. (250 Words)
  7. “ GSLV launch is dubbed as a game changer given the critical urgency of its success for future Indian space odysseys.” Comment. (250 Words)
  8. “Since 2011, when the Tamil Northern Alliance won a decisive local elections in Sri Lanka’s North, the disillusionment of the people in the region has only grown larger with the Sri Lankan government.” Critically comment.  (250 Words)
  9. Examine the critical issues in higher education sector in India and how the 12th Five Year plan seeks to address them.  (250 Words)
  10. Evaluate the evolving economic relationship between India and  Bangladesh . (250 Words)


  1. During eleventh five year plan, the HDI ranking of India declined from 127 to 134. Human Development Index or HDI is a true indicator of sustainable development of a country. With sustainable development i mean to refer to the development of human life today and for coming generations, through improving health facilities, better education, reduction of poverty etc.

    Eleventh five year plan adopted by the government had a vision to achieve sustainable development through inclusive growth and consecutively 12th five year plan was designed to further the objectives of 11th plan through faster, sustainable and more inclusive growth.

    But these objectives have considerably failed to achieve its goal. During the plan period the agriculture sector on which maxmum population of country depend had the lowest growth, along with it government failed to generate jobs for the population. Only 15.6% of people in India have regular jobs and rest of the population is either self employed or working on irregular basis.

    According to WHO a minimum of 5% of GDP should be spent on healrh facilities, however Indian health sector is extremely neglected with just 1.2%. Most of the government hospitals are ill equiped with facilities and medicines. Only low income groups who cannot afford expensive private health care visit government health facilities.

    Education sector is also suffering the same fate. Extremely high fees in private schools and poor infrastructure and facilities in government school is making the future generation suffer the most.

    In the year 2009-10 India exprienced a historic growth in GDP and investment worldwide, where is this benefiting the low strata of people. The fruits of our growth is just being enjoyed by a few and majority is suffereing with uncontrolable poverty and unemployment.

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