Monday 30 December 2013

Left Extremism

1. Forest Conservation Act, 1980 has provided fertile ground for the spread of left extremism among tribals living in front areas. Comment

2. Naxalism is not merely a law and order issue. Critically examine.

3. 'Police stick' and 'development carrot' as panacea for millitant extremism. How far do you think 14 point policy has worked in containing the left extremism.


  1. 1. Extremism is an ideology of a group of people to violate common social and moral standards and to function far away the mainstream attitude of society. This is well known as Naxal Movement.
    Causes for emergence of extremism are very common to forest areas that are predominantly inhabited by tribal populations. Tribes are well known for their relationship with forest as they provide them shelter, food and other livelihood needs.
    Government of India enacted The Forest Conservation Act, 1980 to preserve and protect natural resources, flora and fauna under forest area. This acts provided that Forest, National parks, sanctuaries can’t be de-reserved without the approval of Supreme Court. Non forest activities were also barred by this Act. This act prohibited tribal population to use forest resources that created a serious imbalance in their lives and livelihoods. They were divested to enjoy the rich resources of the forest areas for shelter, livelihood and other basic economic activities at the cost of loss in natural resources. This has turned the Tribals against Government and its policies for forest management. Historically Tribal life was integrated and nourished with Tribal-Forest relationship. This Act strongly threw away the age old relationship of tribals with forests. This caused discontent among tribal population all over India and provided fertile ground for the spread of left extremism. First such case of left extremism was seen in Andhra Pradesh State.

  2. 3.

    Naxalite movement and outrage is an area of serious concern in India. Government has made various attempts to minimize the causes of uprising such issues that threatens security and integrity of the nation. In one of its policy, Central Government had allowed the affected states to arrange peace talks with naxal groups to mitigate naxalism. In accordance with the guidelines of Central Govt, Andhra Pradesh Govt fixed a ceasefire arrangement with the naxal groups but it didn’t give any satisfactory result. This arrangement of peace process was proved to be short lived. Similar other instances of peace talks with the naxal groups shown no pervasive outcomes.

    Hence, Government took a bold decision by launching 14-point policy in 2006 to tackle Naxal menace. It emphasizes improvement in police response and modernization of state along with developmental infrastructure in naxal affected areas. Government’s this policy clearly depicts that It will no longer continue peace talks with naxal groups and will respond with effective and sustained police and Para Military force action. This policy emphasizes the promotion of local resistance groups against naxalites and their participation in developmental activities under adequate security cover. Thus Government has turned his way from peaceful talks with naxal groups and adopted the philosophy of police action and developmental carrort as panacea for militant extremism. Under this policy, stress has been given to states to adopt a collective approach and co-ordinated response to diminish the extremism. Policy cleared the states that they will never arrange any peace talk unless Naxals agree to give up violence. State parties were also asked to strengthen their base in naxal affected areas.

    This 14-point policy has shown good results over naxalites issues. Incidents of violence have reduced and numbers of deaths is also reduced from 669 in 2005 to only 116 in the first 02 months from the year of launching this policy in 2006.


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