Thursday 30 January 2014

Current Affairs January (Part 2)

As discussed earlier this is the second lot of questions for the month of January. 

1. Critically comment on the nature of relationship between the public and private sectors post-liberalization period in India. (200 Words) I.E

2. “The systems and strategies put in place to reach every child in every part of the country with lifesaving polio vaccines can be used to save millions of children from other preventable diseases.” Elaborate. (200 Words)  I.E
3. Is it in India’s interest to forge deeper relationship with Japan and Korea to counter China? Critically comment. (200 Words) I.E
4.“A comprehensive change in regulatory philosophy is required to bring about meaningful financial inclusion in India. This would entail a shift from the present bank-centric, mandate-driven approach to an emphasis on competition, innovation and consumer protection as the pillars of regulatory philosophy.” Elaborate. (200 Words)I.E
5. Write a critical note on the barriers to trade. How does WTO address to remove such barriers? (200 Words) Hindu
6. Critically examine the factors that led to Operation Bluestar in 1984. What were its consequences? (200 Words) Hindu 1 Hindu 2
7. What are the possible ecological, social and economic costs of unmitigated climate change for India? Critically examine. (200 Words) Hindu
8. Do you think the latest agreement reached on mitigating climate change are in tune with the recommendations of the IPCC? Critically evaluate. (200 Words) hindu
9. What is the role of society in providing proper environment and support to the disabled people? Do you think social model is more important than medical model in supporting disabled people? Comment. (200 Words) Hindu
10. Housing Start Up Index (HSUI) (150 Words) Hindu
11. Write a note on the depiction of Buddha in ancient Indian art. (200 Words) The Hindu
12. Evaluate India – Myanmar relations of last two decades. (200 Words) The Hindu
13. Africa is seen as a potential destination for future investments and business by both the developed and emerging economies. Give a reasoned account for this shift in opinion. (200 Words)The Hindu
14. What is the strategic importance of raising energy boom in USA? Comment. (200 Words)The Hindu
15. What are Optionally fully convertible debentures (OFCD) and why they were in news? (200 Words)Hindu
16. Comment on the present visa policy between India and Pakistan. (200 Words) The Hindu
17. Write a note on the model and success story of fertilizer cooperatives in India. (200 Words)The Hindu
18. Examine the implications of deeper strategic ties between India and Korea in the Asia-Pacific region. (200 Words) The Hindu
19. What possible role can China, India and Russia together play in Afghanistan once US withdraws most of its troops? Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu
20. Telhara university (100 Words)Hindu
21. What is fly-ash? What are it benefits? (200 Words)The Hindu
22. What are the possible national interests at play in Russia’s pursuance of proactive diplomacy in the middle East region? Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu
23. What is gene therapy? What are the latest breakthroughs in the field? (200 Words)The Hindu
24. “The Nachiket Mor report is a truly visionary document that should help the Reserve Bank and the government to initiate specific moves towards complete financial inclusion.” Comment. (200 Words)The Hindu
25. Explain the role of technology in boosting agricultural income for the farmers. Write a note on TN-IAMWARM (Irrigated Agricultural Management and Water Resources Management) project. (200 Words) The Hindu
26. What measures has government of India taken to meet the increasing demand for LPG in the country? Analyze. (200 Words) The Hindu
27. “To achieve modernisation, China needs to secure a peaceful international environment to develop itself, and safeguard and promote world peace with its development.” Comment. (200 Words)
 The Indian Express
28. “The quality and volume of public goods and services supplied by the government as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of welfare transfers determine the voter behaviour in India.” Analyze. (200 Words) The Indian Express
29. Critically analyze the role of the Istanbul process in bringing about stability and development to the Heart of Asia region.  (200 Words) The Hindu
30. Write a critical note on  the Transplantation of Human Organs (Amendment) Act, 2011 . (200 Words)
31. Write a not on the important recommednations of the Mihir Shah Task Force Committee on Comprehensive National Social Assistance Programme (Pension). (200 Words) The Hindu
32. Critically comment on the Japan’s ‘the Arc of Freedom and Prosperity’ strategy and its implications on India-Japan relations. (200 Words) The Indian Express
33. “With a proactive role based on the power of judicial review, the higher judiciary in India has attained an unprecedented significance. However, in the areas of judicial management and appointments, there is little scope for euphoria.” Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu
34. Do you think self-serving political system is to blame for the separatist movements in India? Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu
35. “Our simple masses did not understand how the British manipulated the Indian upper class to retain British culture as the supreme culture. ” Do you agree with this view? Substantiate. (200 Words) The Indian Express
36. Junbeel Mela (100 Words) The Hindu
37. Write a note on the Prevention of Parent-to-Child Transmission scheme. (200 Words) The Hindu
38. Critically evaluate India’s strategy and efforts to combat AIDS. (200 Words) The Hindu
39. What is the ecological significance of Sundarban forests? Explain the threats it is facing in the region.
40. Recent studies have found that despite increased outlays in education, especially after the RTE was passed, learning levels have remained stagnant in Indian schools. What are the reasons behind it? What needs to be done? Analyze. (200 Words) The Indian Express
41.“The new disabilities bill could help enshrine a more modern understanding of the issue.” Elaborate. (200 Words) The Indian Express
42.Why in your opinion does India lag behind China in manufacturing sector? Critically examine. (200 Words) The Indian Express Link – 2
43. “Economic progress in India has been hampered by weak institutions that are either complacent or rent-seeking or both.” Comment. (200 Words) The Indian Express
44.“Agriculture R&D, especially in the field of transgenics, is crucial to the economic prosperity of India.” Do you agree with this assessment? Comment. (200 Words) The Indian Express
45.Write a note on structure and mandate of  the National Disaster Response Force (200 Words) The Hindu
46. “Recent scientific breakthroughs that targeted rare genetic forms of brain disorders have identified pivotal developmental processes that are necessary for normal brain development. ” Elaborate. (200 Words) The Hindu
47.Write a critical note on the significance and objectives of setting up of Bharatiya Mahila Bank. How different is it from other banks? Explain. (200 Words) The Hindu
48. Comment on the key recommendations of the report of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)-appointed Committee on Comprehensive Financial Services for Small Business and Low Income Households. (200 Words) The Hindu 
49.  Write a note on the need for APMC reforms. (200 Words) The Indian Express
50.  “The current crisis in Thailand is an extension of the same partisan deadlock that has characterised the country’s politics for years.” Elaborate. (200 Words) The Indian Express
51. Critically analyze the latest developments that have taken place since Arab Spring revolutions. (200 Words) The Indian Express
52. What are the objectives of the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM)? Do we need two separate schemes for rural and urban population? Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu 
53. Discuss the salient features of city architecture of the Vijayanagar empire that was built in Hampi, in Karnataka.  (200 Words) The Hindu
54. Write a note on the contribution of Jainism to literature in ancient and medieval India. (200 Words) The Hindu
55. “From caste discrimination through forced marriages to sex-selective abortions, entrenched practices among sections of the British South Asian diaspora pose continuing challenges. ” Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu
56. Explain the salient features of  Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 and highlight the need for ensuring food safety in India. (200 Words) The Hindu
57. Examine how India and Japan, as leading “maritime democracies”, can play a decisive role in promoting peace and prosperity in the ‘Indo- Pacific’ Region?. (200 Words) The Indian Exoress
58.  “Right to seek mercy under Article 72/161 is a constitutional right and it is not at the discretion or whims of the executive.” Elaborate. (200 Words) The Hindu
59. What is the composition and function of delimitation commission? Why is delimitation done? (200 Words) The Hindu
60.  “Targeted therapy, precision medicine and cancer genomics —  is the new vocabulary of cancer research and treatment.” Explain. (200 Words) The Hindu
61. “By desired outcomes of environment laws, we mean not a grant or rejection of clearance but substantive results like reducing environmental conflict, achieving social justice through decisions and ensuring the highest order of environmental compliance.” Elaborate. (200 Words) The Hindu
62. “India’s nuclear capability is disaggregated and with weak institutional features.” Critically comment. (200 Words) The Hindu
63. What is black money? Explain the measures taken by the RBI and government to curb it. (200 Words) The Hindu
64. Analyze the important provisions of the draft  Right of Citizens for Time Bound Delivery of Goods and Services and Redressal of their Grievances Bill, 2011. (200 Words) The Hindu
65. What are deemed universities and why were they conferred that status? Comment on the state of higher education in India in the light of controversy surrounding these deemed universities. (200 Words)
66. Do you support FDI in farm land? Substantiate. (200 Words) The Hindu
67. How does the interim nuclear deal agreed between Iran and P5+1 countries affect India? Examine. (200 Words) The Indian Express
68. “The Naga society is seething with multiple tensions intermittently erupting into morbid fratricidal violence.” Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu
69. Write a note on the recommendations of Urjit Patel committee that was set up by the RBI to revise and strengthen the monetary policy framework. (200 Words) The Hindu
70.  “Instead of trying to keep out companies from one country or the other, the government would do well to create a reporting and monitoring system that will enable security agencies to keep an eye on the activities of these companies, especially when it comes to blocks located close to defence installations.” Comment in the light of not granting licences to Chinese companies to invest in certain ‘sensitive’ sectors in India. (200 Words) The Hindu
71. Critically comment on the contribution of Subhas Chandra Bose to India’s freedom struggle. (200 Words) The Hindu
72.  What do you understand by money supply? What are the measures adopted in India to measure money supply? Explain. (200 Words) The Hindu
73.  What are the implications of  the Reserve Bank of India’s decision to phase out currency notes issued before 2005? Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu Editorial
74. Write a short note on Angariya courier system. Is it legal in India? (200 Words) The Hindu
75. What is spectrum management? Why radio frequency spectrum is a valuable resource? Explain in the context of India. (200 Words)  The Hindu Reference
76. “That auction should be a preferred route to allocate scarce resources such as spectrum is conditional upon getting the auction design right.” Analyze in the context of India. (200 Words)Hindu
77.  Ethoxyquin  (100 Words) The Hindu
78. What is Corporate Social Responsibility? Should it be enforced through legislation? Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu
79.  “…governance cannot simply mean growth any more but means the way it contributes through a discourse of accountability, institutional procedures and transparency to widening economic opportunities and a more inclusive democratic order.” Elaborate. (200 Words) The Hindu
80. How does inflation affect development? Examine the role of RBI in containing inflation. (200 Words)
81. What measures should India take to fight the spreading extremely drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) strain? Explain. (200 Words)The Hindu
82. Critically comment on the role of family in the Indian society in producing socially responsible individuals. (200 Words) The Hindu 
83. Discuss the various threats faced by wildlife in India.  Do you think conservation efforts are defeated by the vested interests in and around the wildlife habitats? Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu
84. Write a note on the contribution of ICRISAT to the Indian agriculture. (200 Words) The Hindu
85.  “The India-Japan partnership is yet to move beyond the economic to the strategic.” Analyze. (200 Words) The Indian Express The Hindu
86. India’s manufacturing’s share in the GDP has remained stationary at 15-16 per cent for more than three decades now, far lower than the 25-35 per cent that characterises the East Asian economies. In the light of India’s 2011 ambitious National Manufacturing Policy (NMP), critically analyze the constraints it is facing in the manufacturing sector and how they can be overcome. (200 Words) The Indian Express
87. “Social attitudes need to change, reflecting liberal and humane values, if the country is to ensure gender equality and protection for all its women.” Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu
88. What is bond yield? Do they reflect the health of an economy? Explain. (200 Words) The Hindu
89.  “Recent recommendations by the RBI’s Urgit Patel committee  set up to revise and strengthen the monetary policy framework in India might not go well with the Finance ministry.” Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu
90. Should Chinese economic presence and strategic influence in Nepal worry India? Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu
91.  Explain with an example how poor countries can use traditional knowledge and native resources to bring development. (200 Words) The Hindu
92.  Comment on the shortcomings of criminal justice system t in India. (200 Words) The Indian Express
93.  “Populist anarchy cannot be a substitute for governance. “Comment in the light of recent political developments in the country. (200 Words) Business Standard (
94. “The developing world cannot rely on a single instrument – the interest rate – to deal with both the domestic business cycle and the global financial cycle.” Elaborate. (200 Words) 
Business Standard (
95.  In our rural and urban areas  both water and sanitation are closely linked and hence the two should go hand in hand. Comment on the statement in the light of continuing practice of open defecation by large number of Indians and government’s efforts to bring sanitation from past 65 years. (200 Words)
96. How and from where do government mobilize resources to narrow the fiscal deficit? Explain. (200 Words) The Hindu
97.  Suggest any out of the box solution to deal with Naxalism in India. Where do you think government is failing in dealing with naxal threat? Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu
98. As two Communist states, what has been the relationship between China and Russia since the break-up of USSR. Examine. (200 Words) The Hindu
99. What are the reasons behind protests against the government in Ukraine? Comment on the external factors in causing the protests. (200 Words) The Hindu
100. “The problem with the Palk Bay fishing conflict is precisely its interstate character.” Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu
101. “To India’s   national security interests, Japan is irreplaceably valuable.” Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu
102. How is Genetically Modified crop is produced? Explain with an example. (200 Words) The Hindu
103. ““The policy of free power is a very bad idea and against the spirit of reforms.” Comment. (200 Words) Business Standard ( The Indian Express The Hindu
104. Write a critical note on the role of bureaucracy in improving the education outcomes in Indian schools. (200 Words) The Indian Express
105. Write a critical note on recent controversies in the pharma sector in India. Does these development augur well for India’s health sector? Comment. (200 Words) Business Standard
106. What is the mandate of UNHRC? Critically comment on its functioning citing any two recent examples. (200 Words) The Hindu
107. Write a critical note on the role of judiciary in ensuring social justice in India. (200 Words) The Hindu
108. What is current account deficit?  What measures does government usually take to contain it? Comment on the effects of such measures on the economy. (200 Words) The Hindu
109. What is genome or DNA sequencing? How does it help in diagnosis of diseases? (200 Words) The Hindu
110. “The escalating political crisis in Ukraine has cast a deep shadow over Russia’s relations with Europe.” Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu
111. Do you think escalating conflicts between fishermen between maritime neighbors across the world is an indication of deteriorating food security situation? Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu
112.”The lack of involvement of beneficiaries, who are systematically disempowered and discouraged from questioning service delivery and holding implementing agencies accountable, is one of the key reasons for implementation failure of various government schemes.” Elaborate highlighting the importance of social audits. (200 Words) The Indian Express
113. “The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) has served as the major catalyst in the global movement from viewing persons with disabilities as objects of charity, medical treatment and social protection towards viewing them as full and equal members of society, with human rights.” Critically analyze in the context of India’s efforts at passing a legislation for disabled persons on the line of above mentioned convention. (200 Words) The Indian Express
114. “Syria is coming close to shifting from an India-friendly regime to a possibly hostile, Islamist regime.” Comment and highlight what should be India’s approach. (200 Words) The Hindu
115. Critically comment on the deep sea trawling and its effect on marine biodiversity in the Indian context. (200 Words) The Hindu
116. Critically evaluate the NRLM and its objectives. (200 Words) The Hindu
117. Critically examine the issues involved around mining in sensitive areas like Western Ghats. In your opinion, what should be the government’s approach? Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu
118. What are the effects of diesel price regulation on the economy and who are the beneficiaries? Do you support its price deregulation? Explain why. (200 Words) The Hindu
119. Do you support plebiscite in Kashmir to find a peaceful solution for its future? Critically comment. (200 Words) The Hindu
120. Write a note on the adverse effects of plastic on the environment. (200 Words) The Hindu
121. Write a note on the need and highlights of draft   Regulatory Reforms Bill, 2013. (200 Words) The Hindu
122. “Between India and Japan, the strategic component of the relationship has increased dramatically over the last four years.” Examine. (200 Words) The Hindu
123. What are the technologies available for recycling or using the urban waste for productive purposes? Explain. (200 Words) The Hindu
124. Write a critical note on Ravindranath Tagore’s views on education. (200 Words) The Hindu
125. “India’s curriculum outpaces what pupils can realistically learn and achieve in the time given”. Comment on the statement in the light of recent findings by various reports about the poor quality of education in India. The Hindu
126. “The lasting solution for the sugar sector’s woes, indeed, lies in striking a balance between the demand – both domestic and export - and output of sugar and sugarcane.” Elaborate. (200 Words) Business Standard
127. “Despite the current decade being called India’s “decade of innovation”, the country has been ranked at the bottom of the list of 25 countries in terms of its intellectual property (IP) environment.” Explain why. (200 Words) Business Standard (
128. Does India need an independent autonomous regulator for the environment sector? Comment. (200 Words) Business Standard
129. “It is high time that India embarked on creating the next generation of IT companies, which can move up the value chain. ” Comment in the light of India’s stand on global internet governance. (200 Words) The Indian Express
130. “In India, social and economic conditions in India are not ripe for the total abolition of state killings in the form of the death sentence.” Critically comment. (200 Words) The Indian Express
131. What is round-tripping? Analyze the trade relations between India and Mauritius. (200 Words) The Hindu
132. What are the major problems being faced by Indian cities in providing adequate, safe and rapid urban transport system? Explain the steps taken by the union government in this regard. (200 Words) The Hindu
133. At present how a Supreme Court judge is appointed? Do you think it’s a fair system? Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu
134. “ Handloom sector is being deliberately suffocated and killed and it is not a subsidy guzzling sunset industry as is being projected.” Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu
135. With special reference to India, examine the issues related to immigration reforms in USA. (200 Words) The Hindu
136.. “The NATO has repeatedly tried to invent new roles for itself since the collapse of Soviet Union and the Warsaw Treaty Organisation in 1991.” Comment. (200 Words) The Hindu

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