Sunday 13 October 2013

Q.1 Independent economic thinking is nurtured by the Nehruvian Economics. Critically analyse.

Ans. Development of various economic ideologies for independent India started before independence however it takes it's shape after independence. After 1930 two ideologies Gandhian and Nehruvain contributed in the evolution of economic policy of India.Gandhian model supported free market concept with limited state interference and Nehruvian model gave emphasis to socialistic concept with limited state control.After independence, India needed an economic policy which would have two function; to ensure economic development and upliftment of poor people. Nehru as a PM started to follow two way approach, of state control on social sector and government help to industrial sector, to realize both goals by implementing Nehruvian model of development. Implementation of Five Year Plan and land distribution policy represented the impact of socialistic economy on Nehruvian Model. In first five year plan Nehru announced the industry sector as prime motive force of economy for economic development of country while taking control of social sector in government hand, he ensured social security to poor and marginalized people.

Nehruvian model was according to the need of people and the country at the time of independence but with some faulty approach which in long term hampered the very idea of economic development of India as well as socio-economic development of people. every country in the world moved from agrarian economy to industrial economy but Nehru's decision of making industrial sector prime motive force undermined the agriculture sector which was inefficient to fed huge population and resulted in the economic burden on the long term it causes diversion of resources to met food security rather than making agriculture more productive and self sustainable. which after some time would have helped in development of industrial sector.


  1. Nicely written.... will post my entry soon...

  2. In 3rd line it is written that gandhian model supported free market concept with limited state interference.
    As I recall it was written in ramesh singh that gandhi wanted planning to b decentralized. As every state has its own set of problems n so each 1 of them require different plan. So how limited state interference is possible?

  3. I think he is trying to emphasise on anti-authoritarianism where in gandhi advocated less interference of state i.e. absence of force ( anarchism)


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