Friday 25 October 2013

Indian Economy Mock Test

Q1. Write short note on any 5 of the following. (50 words)
1. Kumarappa committee
2. Bhoodan and Gramdan
3. Tribal land
4. Zamindari and Ryotwari system
5. Direct and indirect tax
6. Article 112
7. Budget
8. Land Reforms
9. Co-operative farming

Q2. a) Discuss the distinct pattern on which tenancy reforms have been undertaken by diffrent states.
Elaborate ceiling on landholding along with objectives, achievements and failure.
b) Why did the scheme of consolidation of landholdings failed?
State reasons for decline in leased-in area in 1961-62 over 1953-54?

Q3. Do you think New Economic Policy and land reforms are contradictory to each other?
Is Budgetary deficit better or fiscal deficit a better evaluator of a country's economic state?

Q4. Elaborate the process of budget.
Discuss the components of budget along with the explaination for each.

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